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TPXimpact announces healthcare partnership with Estonian based Nortal AS

Nortal Partnerships

by Iain O'Neil

Nortal’s cost effective healthcare platform is fully cloud based, offering two way APIs and FHIR compatibility to UK hospitals and ICSs.

We’re really happy to announce that we’ve entered into a partnership to deploy Nortal AS’ Healthcare Information System (HIS) platform in the UK.

Already successfully deployed in Estonia, Lithuania and Finland, Nortal HIS will cost effectively deliver the digital needs of the NHS, from electronic patient records to population health management, in a fraction of the time compared to traditional healthcare software providers.

Having been designed from the ground up in regions where existing software was seen as too cumbersome and expensive, Nortal HIS can be deployed substantially more quickly and at a fraction of the price compared to other options on the market.

Deployed in Lithuania as the world’s first nationwide Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) compatible platform, Nortal HIS, along with its two way open APIs, has the opportunity to create efficiencies and dramatically improve patient pathways.

Built on secure, UK hosted Microsoft Azure, Nortal HIS delivers against the NHS’ strategic priorities for digital transformation. It has proven its effectiveness at helping frontline clinical staff to deliver care more efficiently, effectively and safely, while reducing variation and improving clinical quality and outcomes.

The system — made up of configurable components — maximises opportunities for population health, planning, and research and ensures only authorised uses, complying with all data and cyber security standards.

We’re really pleased to be selected as Nortal AS’ UK partner, having been chosen thanks to our extensive background in healthcare working with clients including NHS England, NHS Digital and numerous local NHS providers.

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Iain O'Neil

Managing Partner - Health

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